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EP-Exceptional Parent Magazine
This exceptional magazine is devoted to information & services for people with physical, medical and developmental disabilities. It is published 11x a year plus a special January issue. To subscribe call toll free: 877-372-7368. They also have an online bookstore featuring new and important books in the field of disabilities. www.EPBookstore.com by using code JEP707 you will receive a 15% discount when ordering prior to July 31, 2007.
They also have a website www.eparent.com

Autism Speaks & Cure Autism Now
A wealth of information is provided in the newsletter published by e-speaks several times monthly. They report on new funding sources for research around the world, athletes who turn out to raise money and awareness of Autism, and articles “In Their Own Words”. If you have a story you wish to share send it to editors@autismspeaks.org
Add: contactus@autismspeaks.org to your address book.